The Dark Woods Team

The Dark Woods Team

It has become a bit of a cliché for companies to say that their team are their greatest asset, but it's true; without our team, we would not have a business. We have always tried to be a supportive employer but, often, as a small business, it can be hard to provide everything that we want to and that the team would like to have. We're working hard to deliver on our aspirations.

In 2020, we were accredited as a living wage employer, meaning that no one in our team will earn less than the Real Living Wage, set by the Living Wage Foundation. We also commissioned an independent survey of what our team members thought about the company, our values, our performance as an employer, and what it feels like to work at Dark Woods. The results were encouraging for us, but they also showed us where we need to be better as an employer and what our team aspire to. The team gave us great suggestions for things we can improve in the company, but also reassurance around maintaining some of the things we do now.

As we head in to 2022, we have a range of improvements that we are working on with the team, from new appraisals and training reviews, to a new HR platform, and ways in which we better communicate with the team and get more people involved in the wider strategic planning of the business.

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