choosing & brewing
When it comes to choosing a coffee the vast array of styles and types on offer can be bewildering. Many people retreat into the safety of well-known brands or else go for whatever is on offer in the supermarket or corner shop, which rarely results in a memorable or delicious coffee experience.
The problem is that coffee flavour can be anything from rich and roasty to fruity and floral depending on where it is from or how it is roasted and as a result it can be difficult to know exactly what’s in store when you pick up a bag that you’ve never bought before. It’s especially daunting when it comes to buying more expensive Speciality coffees because despite objectively higher quality you may not enjoy a style that doesn’t align with your personal tastes.
To help you navigate these choices and become a more confident and adventurous coffee buyer we’ve highlighted the key drivers of coffee flavour so that we can explain how they contribute to what’s in your cup.
You never know, your next favourite cup of coffee might be hiding right under your nose!

Species & Variety
Despite there being over 100 known species of coffee, only two are commonly grown - Arabica and Robusta. Arabicas – especially those of Specialty grade - are generally sweet and complex with a nuanced flavour profile and a bright, fruity acidity. Robusta, by contrast, is earthy and heavy, often with woody or cereal notes and very little acidity. Although Arabicas are generally considered more desirable, many espresso drinking coffee cultures blend the two species together to create low-acidity, full-bodied blends. Our own Deer Hill is a sophisticated Specialty take on traditional Italian espresso and proudly includes premium Indian Robusta from the award-winning Harley Estate.
On bags of single producer Arabica coffee it is common to also see reference to the “varietal” or “cultivar” that is used. Similar to grape variety on a bottle of wine or the type of apple in a supermarket the variety gives you a clue as to some of the favour or physical characteristics likely to be present. Some varieties are strikingly big (maragogype), some favoured for sweetness and complexity (pink bourbon) and some with pronounced floral and fruit character (gesha). Traditionally varieties were often grown just for their traditional availability but increasingly farmers are experimenting with varietals for their disease resistance or their noted potential for higher cup quality.

Along with roast, processing is probably the most profound influencer of coffee flavour. The term refers to range of methods used to remove the coffee bean from its cherry and the way it is dried and prepared afterwards.

Natural Process
Whole coffee cherries are picked and then dried gradually in the sun or in drying rooms before the dried pulp is rubbed off to remove the seeds (beans) inside. Extended contact time between the seed and the fruit, along with fermentation of the sugars in the cherry deliver complex and fruity coffees with full and syrupy bodies. Increasingly these contact times are being extended and manipulated by producers to highlight these boozy or funky, fermented flavours. Terms like “carbonic maceration” or “anaerobic” describe methods that take fermentation into new places with correspondingly wild and complex results.

Washed Process
Whole cherries are pulped to remove the flesh and the beans are then soaked and washed to remove all traces of the sticky fruit residue and parchment casing. These can then be more swiftly dried in the sun or in purpose-built drying rooms. Washed coffees tend to be clean, crisp and balanced, with minimal fermentation.

Honey Process (Pulped Natural)
The whole cherry is pulped and then the beans are dried with some of the fruit and sticky, mucilage-covered parchment still attached. As with the method the flavours present in these coffees tend fall somewhere between those developed by the washed and natural processes. Honey processed coffees can be graded further as either “yellow”, “red” or “black”, depending on how much mucilage is left behind on the bean prior to drying.

Decaffeinated coffee need not be a compromise. We source Specialty grade Central American single estate coffees - primarily from the AsproAgro Co-op in Peru – and roast them with the same care as we do their caffeinated cousins. Unlike cheaper commercial examples that are often harshly processed with industrial chemicals, our Lamplight Decaf is gently decaffeinated using the Swiss Water process for a sweet and full flavour.